Two Lesley's and a Pat

Two Lesleys and a Pat

Lesley 1…She just wants to paint, and we have made the mistake of giving her veto power over everybody! She’s the Queen Bee (Pat also made the mistake of calling her the QUEEN, and we will never live it down!) of this merry band of misfits. She’s the idea person, too many sometimes but please, keep her off the computers!

Two Lesleys and a Pat

Pat… He’s our go-to tech, Photoshop and computer guru. He often has to be the “tie breaker” between the two Lesley’s. Ready to take on any crazy idea Lesley 1 comes up with. He always has a positive attitude no matter what life throws his way, and he is our biggest cheerleader!

Two Lesleys and a Pat

Leslie 2…This girl will blow you away, she’s good at everything she takes on. The burden of executing all the crazy ideas, that you-know-who comes up with. Oh, excuse me, THE QUEEN….falls mostly on her. What a gift to have her in the mix. She’s the oldest soul in the group, but the youngest in years.

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